Acupuncture has a long history. It was first described in China in The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine around 100 BC. Acupuncture is based on channels (meridians or conduits) in which the Qi (vital energy or life force) flow. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is thought that disease is caused by a disruption of Qi energy. Acupuncture works by inserting small needles thru the skin into acupuncture points modifying the flow of Qi. Although the mechanism of how acupuncture works is still debated, well designed studies have shown its effectiveness in treating many conditions including neck and back pain1,2.
1 Marwick C. Acceptance of some acupuncture applications.
2 J Am Med Assoc 1997;278:1725–7. Ernst E, White AR, eds. Acupuncture: a scientific appraisal. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, 1999.